Life is too short to not take pictures!

Real Estate & Property Photography

If you are interested in doing some real estate or property photography, then I highly recommend giving this link a real good read. Its a bit of a book, but it covers the most essential and important points.

Introduction to Property Photography 

I was approached to do some real estate photography at a time when I had never done any. I read over this article a few times and felt like I could do this. And I did! Here are a few of the results: 

tf-photography Real Estate Photos 

My first job I had only my Canon 5D, 17-40 f4, tripod, 580ex II, and a Harbor Lightbox Diffuser. 

Harbor LightBox Diffuser

It took a good bit of trial and error and a lot of shots to cover things enough. You don't often have the luxury of returning to a place and redoing things, so get the shots you need first time around.

I also discovered that a great deal of the work is done in post-processing. Much of that is covered in the above article as well, but maybe I'll come back with a few pointers and things I learned about it also. Post-processing is generally where the magic happens. 

. . .  more later


  1. Thank you Tommy. Your awesome!!
    --Ana B

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